Welcome to my site! More than anything else, this is basically a personal site dedicated to my friends, family and other loved ones. It's a refreshing change from the imaginary stuff I usually work with on other sites.... and well...

I just felt like doing this. It's about time I did.

This pile of nostalgia and art may not be too interesting, maybe even abrasive, longwinded or opinionated, as it's moreso personal then entertainment. To keep family and friends who live afar updated in regards to life as it is now, or was at one point. If you feel like browsing the life of a Cape Bretoner who was 'transplanted' to British Columbia, feel free. There is nothing much here yet, as I'm basically organizing stuff to put up along with the task of actually BUILDING the site itself. Whatever new sections are added.. etc.. will be announced in the UPDATES section.

Please enjoy. :)


*LAST UPDATED* - January 17th / 2007


*What's new?*
What was recently added...? Check it all out, here.

*Graduation of 2002*
A year that is long yore. Even though it feels like yesterday when I was some goofy little kid in Grade Seven, that year was my graduation. How time flies, eh? Anyway... prom pictures, grad photos and the like will be set up in here, as well as experiences.

*Stories and Personal Thoughts.*
It's about time I voice this, here and now. These past two years have been joyful and crazy... and as it's nearing my third year away from my coastal place of birth, I think it's time to recollect a bit on something I feared most; But ultimately thrived from. This is a little section I use, personally, to recollect my thoughts and just write about whatever crosses my mind. If you enjoy unfathomed sap and reminiscence... well.... eh heh....

*Various Midis.*
Of course, this site is laden with these bloody things. Wish to download them..?

Leads off-site, to my Deviantart account. While it's not the timelined portfolio that I used to have, my recent work can be found here. Though, stuff from 2002 onwards can be found there as well in the near future, for reference sake. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Photographs will be set up here for viewing. Basically images of myself, my friends, family and home(s).

A little page of 'thank yous' and sappish blubbering I whipped up. Basically giving my regards to those who made the biggest impact on my life. I never forgot about you. :)

Sites that are a /lot/ more interesting then this pile of slop. :)

*Dedication to Cape Breton.*
And last.. but NOT least, this is a little dedication to my homeland, Cape Breton. There is never a site I create that does NOT have this on it.


Warren Poirier, while I hadn't known him well, was one of my brother's dearest friends. In November of 2001, he was taken away tragically. This is his tribute. God Bless.
Prayers for Warren.

I'm a proud Canadian! EH!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Find any errors...? Drop me a line. :)
All art, concepts and vignettes listed in this site belong to Kim Campbell, 2007